IFS’ Assessment of the Government of Ghana’s Fiscal Consolidation Efforts in the Face of the Rapidly Deteriorating Macroeconomic Environment
August 18, 2022
IFs Ghana Policy Brief
IFS’ review of the government of Ghana’s 2023–2026 extended credit facility-supported program with the international monetary fund (IMF)1
June 15, 2023

The 2023 Budget Statement And Ghana’s Current Debt Restructuring Program: Ifs’ AssessmentAnd Recommendations

The 2023 budget statement delivered to Parliament by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, on 24th November, 2022 came against the backdrop of a raging macroeconomic crisis, which continues to inflict significant economic pain on the citizenry. It was thus expected that the budget would outline strong policy measures and targets that respond appropriately and adequately to the crisis. This assessment examines the extent to which the budget fulfils this need. It also examines the country’s current debt restructuring program, the Debt Exchange Program, and provides recommendations as to how best the government can reshape its policies to achieve better fiscal and macroeconomic results.